Hujan kau ingatkan aku
Tentang satu rindu
Dimasa yang lalu
Saat mimpi masih indah bersamamu
Terbayang satu wajah
Penuh cinta penuh kasih
Terbayang satu wajah
Penuh dengan kehangatan
Kau ibu…Oh ibu…
Allah izinkanlah aku
Bahagiakan dia
Meski dia telah jauh
Biarkanlah aku
Berarti untuk dirinya
oh ibu…oh ibu…kau ibu…
Terbayang satu wajah
Penuh cinta penuh kasih
Terbayang satu wajah
Penuh dengan kehangatan
Terbayang satu wajah
Penuh cinta penuh kasih
Terbayang satu wajah
Penuh dengan kehangatan
Kau ibu…oh ibu…kau ibu…
oh ibu…oh ibu…
Hujan kau ingatkan aku
Tentang satu rindu
Dimasa yang lalu
Saat mimpi masih indah bersamamu
Kau ibu…kau ibu…kau ibu
HANYA Bingkisan DOA,SODAKOH, AL-FATEHA dan SURAH YASIN Oki bs menyapa atas kerinduan didalam qalbu dan Oki akan jalani amanah2 & Wasiat2 sblm kau meninggal kemarin smua kata2mu masing terngiang di dlm pikiran & aliran darahku mem, I miss U mem :)
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Puasa Senin-Kamis adalah jenis puasa yang sering diamalkan Nabi Muhammad
saw, para sahabatnya, dan tentu menjadi tradisi bagi umatnya. Namun,
tidak semua orang tahu akan jenis amalan sunah ini. Meskipun tahu, tapi
tidak semua menyadari keajaiban-keajaiban yang ada di balik puasa Senin
Dalam salah satu haditsnya, Nabi Muhammad saw selalu menunggu-nunggu kehadiran hari Senin dan Kamis, untuk melaksanakan puasa.
“Rasulullah saw sering berpuasa pada setiap bulannya (minggu pertama) pada hari Kamis dan hari Senin. Pada minggu kedua berpuasa hari Senin.” (HR An-Nasa`I dari Hafsah ra)
Diakui atau tidak, realitas membuktikan bahwa puasa Senin-Kamis telah sukses "mengubah" kondisi-kondisi manusia dari ketidakbaikan kepada kebaikan yang diharapkan. Puasa Senin-Kamis telah mengubah kepribadian yang "kumuh" menjadi kepribadian yang "cantik dan menawan."
Semua ini tentu berawal dari segala keistimewaan serta kelebihan, maupun manfaat yang begitu dahsyat yang terkandung dalam puasa Senin-Kamis bagi kehidupan manusia. Hal inilah yang telah diurai oleh Asrar Mabrur Faza melalui bukunya “Mengapa Harus Puasa Senin-Kamis” untuk "menyibak tirai" keistimewaan puasa Senin-Kamis. Ia juga mengungkapkan kedahsyatan puasa sunah yang satu ini dengan membahasnya secara khusus melalui buku ini.
Buku terbitan QultumMedia ini terdiri atas lima bagian penjelasan. Masing-masing bagian diberi tema pokok, selanjutnya diiringi oleh berbagai tema lanjutan dengan frekuensi panjang pendek penjelasan yang berbeda. Hal ini tentunya sesuai dengan titik penekanan pesan dari masing-masing tema yang dirumuskan.
Pada bagian pertama, diungkap beberapa keistimewaan yang terkandung dalam hari Senin dan Kamis, sebagai gambaran beberapa hikmah pemilihan dua hari ini menjadi hari berpuasa sunah bagi umat Islam. Pengungkapan hikmah di sini tentunya berdasarkan beberapa riwayat yang menunjukkan adanya sisi-sisi keistimewaan yang dimaksud. Misalnya, berkaitan dengan Hari Lahir dan Wafatnya Kekasih Allah, Muhammad saw, Hari Pelaporan Amal lbadah, Hari Pembukaan Pintu Gerbang Surga, serta merupakan hari yang diberkahi oleh Allah SWT.
Bagian kedua lebih membahas tentang aspek-aspek yang menjadi landasan awal bagi seorang yang ingin atau sudah melakukan puasa Senin-Kamis. Landasan awal ini dimaknai sebagai spirit pertama bagi seseorang untuk dapat memberikan kekokohan niatnya dalam menjalani puasa Senin-Kamis. Puasa Senin-Kamis bagi seorang muslim harus merupakan wujud atau bukti dari rasa kecintaannya kepada Allah, kecintaannya kepada Rasulullah saw, dan juga sebagai bukti kecintaannya kepada diri sendiri.
Jika niat sudah mantap atau kokoh, selanjutnya yang diperlukan bagi peminat puasa Senin dan Kamis adalah mengetahui strategi-strategi khusus dalam bentuk beberapa "tips jitu" untuk menjalankan puasa Senin dan Kamis. Hal ini dijelaskan pada bagian ketiga. Beberapa tip dijelaskan, mulai dari berniat puasa, mencari berkah sahur, hal-hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk "bertahan" menjelang berbuka, serta anjuran untuk berbuka dengan segera.
Terkadang ada juga yang masih merasa memiliki kendala atau penghalang untuk melaksanakan puasa Senin-Kamis. Oleh sebab itu, pada bagian keempat penulis memberikan "penyegaran" kesadaran bahwa berpuasa Senin-Kamis itu memang tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan, serta akan mengganggu aktivitas-aktivitas rutinitas lainnya. Pada bagian ini dipaparkan tentang sifat dasar bahwa agama itu memang sungguh mudah, berpuasa sekali tapi dua aktivitas bisa terlampaui, dan "penyuguhan" beberapa ibadah yang berkesan "enteng" tapi punya balasan yang dahsyat.
Kemudian, penulis menutup pembahasan buku ini dengan memaparkan aspek kedahsyatan puasa Senin-Kamis. Aspek kedahsyatan yang membuat semua orang "tersihir" untuk berhasrat melakukan puasa Senin-Kamis. Subtema yang dipaparkan mencakup tentang perlunya mengawali puasa
Dalam salah satu haditsnya, Nabi Muhammad saw selalu menunggu-nunggu kehadiran hari Senin dan Kamis, untuk melaksanakan puasa.
“Rasulullah saw sering berpuasa pada setiap bulannya (minggu pertama) pada hari Kamis dan hari Senin. Pada minggu kedua berpuasa hari Senin.” (HR An-Nasa`I dari Hafsah ra)
Diakui atau tidak, realitas membuktikan bahwa puasa Senin-Kamis telah sukses "mengubah" kondisi-kondisi manusia dari ketidakbaikan kepada kebaikan yang diharapkan. Puasa Senin-Kamis telah mengubah kepribadian yang "kumuh" menjadi kepribadian yang "cantik dan menawan."
Semua ini tentu berawal dari segala keistimewaan serta kelebihan, maupun manfaat yang begitu dahsyat yang terkandung dalam puasa Senin-Kamis bagi kehidupan manusia. Hal inilah yang telah diurai oleh Asrar Mabrur Faza melalui bukunya “Mengapa Harus Puasa Senin-Kamis” untuk "menyibak tirai" keistimewaan puasa Senin-Kamis. Ia juga mengungkapkan kedahsyatan puasa sunah yang satu ini dengan membahasnya secara khusus melalui buku ini.
Buku terbitan QultumMedia ini terdiri atas lima bagian penjelasan. Masing-masing bagian diberi tema pokok, selanjutnya diiringi oleh berbagai tema lanjutan dengan frekuensi panjang pendek penjelasan yang berbeda. Hal ini tentunya sesuai dengan titik penekanan pesan dari masing-masing tema yang dirumuskan.
Pada bagian pertama, diungkap beberapa keistimewaan yang terkandung dalam hari Senin dan Kamis, sebagai gambaran beberapa hikmah pemilihan dua hari ini menjadi hari berpuasa sunah bagi umat Islam. Pengungkapan hikmah di sini tentunya berdasarkan beberapa riwayat yang menunjukkan adanya sisi-sisi keistimewaan yang dimaksud. Misalnya, berkaitan dengan Hari Lahir dan Wafatnya Kekasih Allah, Muhammad saw, Hari Pelaporan Amal lbadah, Hari Pembukaan Pintu Gerbang Surga, serta merupakan hari yang diberkahi oleh Allah SWT.
Bagian kedua lebih membahas tentang aspek-aspek yang menjadi landasan awal bagi seorang yang ingin atau sudah melakukan puasa Senin-Kamis. Landasan awal ini dimaknai sebagai spirit pertama bagi seseorang untuk dapat memberikan kekokohan niatnya dalam menjalani puasa Senin-Kamis. Puasa Senin-Kamis bagi seorang muslim harus merupakan wujud atau bukti dari rasa kecintaannya kepada Allah, kecintaannya kepada Rasulullah saw, dan juga sebagai bukti kecintaannya kepada diri sendiri.
Jika niat sudah mantap atau kokoh, selanjutnya yang diperlukan bagi peminat puasa Senin dan Kamis adalah mengetahui strategi-strategi khusus dalam bentuk beberapa "tips jitu" untuk menjalankan puasa Senin dan Kamis. Hal ini dijelaskan pada bagian ketiga. Beberapa tip dijelaskan, mulai dari berniat puasa, mencari berkah sahur, hal-hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk "bertahan" menjelang berbuka, serta anjuran untuk berbuka dengan segera.
Terkadang ada juga yang masih merasa memiliki kendala atau penghalang untuk melaksanakan puasa Senin-Kamis. Oleh sebab itu, pada bagian keempat penulis memberikan "penyegaran" kesadaran bahwa berpuasa Senin-Kamis itu memang tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan, serta akan mengganggu aktivitas-aktivitas rutinitas lainnya. Pada bagian ini dipaparkan tentang sifat dasar bahwa agama itu memang sungguh mudah, berpuasa sekali tapi dua aktivitas bisa terlampaui, dan "penyuguhan" beberapa ibadah yang berkesan "enteng" tapi punya balasan yang dahsyat.
Kemudian, penulis menutup pembahasan buku ini dengan memaparkan aspek kedahsyatan puasa Senin-Kamis. Aspek kedahsyatan yang membuat semua orang "tersihir" untuk berhasrat melakukan puasa Senin-Kamis. Subtema yang dipaparkan mencakup tentang perlunya mengawali puasa
Historical Origins of Indigenous Communities Rejang(SEJARAH SUKU REJANG)
Historical Origins of Indigenous Communities Rejang
Rejang tribes mature inibertebaran must have finished early origins, from the story for generations and several essays written about the Rejang it can be ascertained that the origin is in the Rejang tribes Lebong now and this is evident from the following:
John Marsden, British Resident in Lais (1775-1779), provides information on the four Petulai Rejang, which Joorcalang (Jurukalang), Beremanni (Bermani), Selopo (selupu) and Toobye (Tubay).
JLM Swaab, Netherlands Lais Controller (1910-1915) says that if Lebong in angap as a place of national origin Rejang, it must come from Lebong Merigi. Because people merigi is derived from the Lebong, because people Merigi in the Rejang (Marga Merigi in Rejang) as residents come from Lebong, also a ban on dancing between Single and Girls in Kejai time because they come from an ancestry that is Petulai Tubei.
Dr. JW Van Royen in its report on "Indigenous-Federatie in de Residentie's Bengkoelen en Palembang" in article bengsa Rejang say that as a whole Rejang its purest, where clans can be said to be inhabited only by people of a Bang and must be recognized that Rejang Lebong.
At first Rejang tribes in small groups living in the region Lebong wandering wide, they live off the results of forest and river, at this time Rejang tribes Nomadic life (moving) in the order history is also in this period is called the Meduro Dark (Ignorance), where people are very pocket of his life with the natural resources and the environment is available.
It was only at the time they began living Ajai settled mainly in the valleys along the river Ketahun, in this era was the Rejang tribes agricultural cultivation sederhadan and social institutions in regulating the customs administration space for the citizens of the community. According to the unwritten history of Rejang tribes rise from four Petulai and each Petulai in Lead by a Ajai. Ajai is derived from the word Majai of significant leaders of a collection of human beings.
In this age Ajai Lebong area that is still called Renah Sekalawi or Pinang Belapis or often referred to as Kutai Belek Tebo. During Ajai bekumpul society has begun to settle down and be a society in terms of social and communal life komunial Pemerinatahan system is called the Kutai. This situation is shown by the agreement between the society towards communal ownership rights. All the rules and practice of the rights and ownership of everything related to the interests of society led by a Ajai. Although the actual implementation of the community in a position Ajai and other people are not distinguished or separated by size degrees or strata.Nevertheless the importance of the position Ajai and respected by the community, but it is still regarded as the common man of the people who were given the task of leading, fourth Ajai are:
Ajai lead star in a bunch of humans who settled Pelabai somewhere in Marga Spare IX Lebong
Ajai Begelan Mato lead a bunch of people who settled in the Kutai Belek Tebo somewhere in Marga Spare VIII, Lebong
Ajai Spot the lead bunch manusai Spot Sticking settled in a place that is in the current Jurukalang.
Ajai Malang lead a bunch of people who settled in the Great Airport / Up cliffs included into clan territory Tribes IX now.
At the time this came to a head Ajai Renah Sekalawi four Biku / Monk indigenous Bikau the Rejang call Bikau Throughout Jiwo, Bikau Bembo, Bikau Pejenggo and Bikau Bermano. From some opinions state that the Bikau came from the kingdom of Majapahit, but some figures are not all Lebong found this Bikau rise from Majapahit. Of the journey is a process Bikau messenger from among Buddhist clergyman to develop greatness influence of the Majapahit Kingdom, with a more elegant and with a more discerning and concerned with social awareness and uphold the noble values of the local culture.
Through this strategy the Minister of the Kingdom of delegates should no longer attempt to spread the culture and the language Java. Therefore Buddhist cleric class has a quiet action and suave, easily acceptable and the Rejang. It is evident that the four Biku was not seize property or have an intention to apply tribute and taxes to the king of Majapahit, but they only introduce Majapahit kingdom with the king's famous youth named Adityawarman. When they reached the fourth Sekalawi Renah Biku because wise and prudent, powerful, and loving, and merciful, then the four of them shortly thereafter elected by the four societies (Petulai) with the full consent of the people as their leader.
Throughout Biku Jiwo replaces Ajai Bitang
Bembo Biku replaces Ajai Spot
Biku Bejenggo replaces Ajai Begelan Mato
Biku Bermano replaces Ajai Malang
Having led by four Biku, Renah Sekalawi developed into a prosperous area and began earning his farm was started farming, gardening and farming. So at the moment it became clear that their culture and famous for writing the alphabet itself with Ka-Ga-Nga (still sustainable and claims to be the original writing Bengkulu).
After four Biku elected to lead groups of people got a challenge in the form of catastrophic pandemic diseases that attack people. The disaster occurred about the end of the XIII century, the plague that claimed the lives many people regardless of age and gender. According to forecasts by the local astrologer who caused the accident was the arrival of a white monkey named Benuang Way and rested upon a large tree in the forest.
To find a solution to the disaster, it was the fourth Biku bersepakatlah to look for big trees and cut them down with a hope soon after the cut may terminate outbreaks. After dividing each task they scattered to all corners of the forest and eventually entourage Biku Bermano up and found a huge tree they are looking for, they then immediately to cut down a large tree, but their efforts did not succeed because of the cut trees felled by the ax, the tree The increasingly large, the same incident occurred, after a group of Biku Throughout Jiwo up in the same place and try to cut down the great tree, followed by a group of Biku Bejenggo but the tree was not too collapsed. At last it appears the group is Biku Bembo and told them that they have experienced strange happenings in cutting down a large tree would not fall after the tree was cut down and even great bertamah.
"History when he met party leaders met Biku Bembo third party in the discovery of a large tree on which there is a white monkey named Benuang Way is terlontarlah words in Rejang language: pah pro Kumu telebong meaning here would be his saudar. Since then Renah Sekalawi exchange name to Lebong ".
Having recounted the incident that happened to the group Biku Bembo, they consulted to solve problems that occur and agreed to ask for directions to the Hiang (The Almighty) in order to figure out how to cut down a large tree so that it can be cut down. The fourth way in which it is to betarak Biku (ascetic), after they got the hint betarak done to cut down the tree if the underlying raised / supported by seven young girls / teenagers.
After that, they rush to prepare everything clues obtained by the Hiyang including how they find a way so that the seven girls from becoming victims or crushed to death by a large tree that will be torn down. Next they dug a trench to rescue the seven girls raising it. Once the job is making trenches and seven girls ready to raise trees to be torn down, then start the big tree was cut down and the tree actually fell on top of the girl's seventh-raiser. Trenches are made right on the premises rebahnya large tree that has been cut into seven girls have been saved from death and protected in the trenches made.
"The events narrated in the beginning of the provision made for petulai-petulai name them according to the work of the leader of each party in an attempt to cut down a large tree where white monkey dwelling place Benuang Way".
Throughout Jiwo Biku Petulai named Tubeui or Tubai, Rejang language origin of the word "berubeui-ubeui" meaning flock.
Petulai Biku Bermano Bermani named, the origin of language Rejang word "sweet burr" which means fermented sweet.
Petulai Biku jurukalang named Bembo, Rejang language of origin of the word "loop" which means girder.
Petulai Biku Bejenggo Selupuei named Rejang language origin of the word "berupeui-uoeui" meaning piles
So since that time Renah Sekalawi named Lebong and create the Rejang Four petulai essence and origin of the Rejang tribes.The agreement in the wake of the procession After logging Benuang Way is all of the people under the leadership of Bikau Throughout Jiwo where they were united under Tubey unity and centered Pelabai. Along with the return Bikau Jiwo to Majapahit or there is an opinion to the Majapahit Malay berfusat in Fence Ruyung, Bikau leadership is then replaced by Rajo Rajo Mudo Mengat or Mount Gedang whose arrival is expected to be around the 15th century.
Only after this Mengat Rajo leadership succeeded by his son named Ki Karang Nio who wears the title of Sultan Abdullah due to the increase in population and the need for the invasion of the region, the scattered children of this community and form new communities on a great deal done in Lebong then Petulai Tubey This solved a tribe Marga IX based in Kutai Belau Saten, Marga tribe at Muara Aman VIII and Merigi for fractional Petulai Tubey Lebong Outside the region.
Petulai Selupu not broken and remains intact even though its members were scattered everywhere. According to the history that replaces Ajai Bikau Pejenggo is located in Batu Malang in Kesambe width which is the Rejang, while the Village Administrative Top Climbing into indigenous territories include Selupu Lebong a rural area bordering the Rejang custom Coastal and Countryside Comes Love is in the region Marga Spare IX physically bordering the Rejang Bintunan Coastal Peoples.
Institutional System Communal / Indigenous
From the above-written resume can be seen that the origin of the Rejang Lebong tribe and came from four Petulai the Jurukalang, Bermani, Selupu and Tubey. From the article Dr. De Redjang Hazairin in his writings that quote from Muhammad Husayn Petulai also called as the Mego.
It is also strengthened by the writings of English people ever in Bengkulu Marsden and Raffles as well as the Dutch Ress and Swaab mention the word of Mego.
Mego is Petulai or familial unity arising from unilateral system with a patrilineal lineage system and exogamy marriage, even if they are scattered everywhere. The system is a requirement mutlah exogamy timbulya Petulai / clan while the patrilineal kinship system greatly affects the social system and ultimately affect the shape of the unity and power in society.
In ancient times people Bikau be set on the basis of the legal system that is made based on the principle of consensus / consensus, this situation gave birth to the unity of indigenous people called Kutai Kutai Ketuai headed. Kutai's rise from Kuta Hindu language and words that Hamlet difinisikan as a stand-alone, so that the sense of unity Kutai is the single customary law geneologis the government of an independent and family-oriented.
In the Colonial Period and the system's institutional and governance by indigenous Dutch Assistant Resident J. Walland (1861-1865) adopted the system of local governance in the region of Palembang Kutai or Petulai citing this as the clan headed by Pesirah. With each passing Kutai government system is replaced with the name Hamlet as a whole is teroterial indigenous people under the authority of a clan chief who holds Pesirah. (Team AMARTA: Salim Senawar, Erwin S Basrin, Madian Sapani, Henderi S Basrin, Sugianto Bahanan, Hadiyanto Kamal, Riza Omami, Bambang Yuroto).
Rejang tribes mature inibertebaran must have finished early origins, from the story for generations and several essays written about the Rejang it can be ascertained that the origin is in the Rejang tribes Lebong now and this is evident from the following:
John Marsden, British Resident in Lais (1775-1779), provides information on the four Petulai Rejang, which Joorcalang (Jurukalang), Beremanni (Bermani), Selopo (selupu) and Toobye (Tubay).
JLM Swaab, Netherlands Lais Controller (1910-1915) says that if Lebong in angap as a place of national origin Rejang, it must come from Lebong Merigi. Because people merigi is derived from the Lebong, because people Merigi in the Rejang (Marga Merigi in Rejang) as residents come from Lebong, also a ban on dancing between Single and Girls in Kejai time because they come from an ancestry that is Petulai Tubei.
Dr. JW Van Royen in its report on "Indigenous-Federatie in de Residentie's Bengkoelen en Palembang" in article bengsa Rejang say that as a whole Rejang its purest, where clans can be said to be inhabited only by people of a Bang and must be recognized that Rejang Lebong.
At first Rejang tribes in small groups living in the region Lebong wandering wide, they live off the results of forest and river, at this time Rejang tribes Nomadic life (moving) in the order history is also in this period is called the Meduro Dark (Ignorance), where people are very pocket of his life with the natural resources and the environment is available.
It was only at the time they began living Ajai settled mainly in the valleys along the river Ketahun, in this era was the Rejang tribes agricultural cultivation sederhadan and social institutions in regulating the customs administration space for the citizens of the community. According to the unwritten history of Rejang tribes rise from four Petulai and each Petulai in Lead by a Ajai. Ajai is derived from the word Majai of significant leaders of a collection of human beings.
In this age Ajai Lebong area that is still called Renah Sekalawi or Pinang Belapis or often referred to as Kutai Belek Tebo. During Ajai bekumpul society has begun to settle down and be a society in terms of social and communal life komunial Pemerinatahan system is called the Kutai. This situation is shown by the agreement between the society towards communal ownership rights. All the rules and practice of the rights and ownership of everything related to the interests of society led by a Ajai. Although the actual implementation of the community in a position Ajai and other people are not distinguished or separated by size degrees or strata.Nevertheless the importance of the position Ajai and respected by the community, but it is still regarded as the common man of the people who were given the task of leading, fourth Ajai are:
Ajai lead star in a bunch of humans who settled Pelabai somewhere in Marga Spare IX Lebong
Ajai Begelan Mato lead a bunch of people who settled in the Kutai Belek Tebo somewhere in Marga Spare VIII, Lebong
Ajai Spot the lead bunch manusai Spot Sticking settled in a place that is in the current Jurukalang.
Ajai Malang lead a bunch of people who settled in the Great Airport / Up cliffs included into clan territory Tribes IX now.
At the time this came to a head Ajai Renah Sekalawi four Biku / Monk indigenous Bikau the Rejang call Bikau Throughout Jiwo, Bikau Bembo, Bikau Pejenggo and Bikau Bermano. From some opinions state that the Bikau came from the kingdom of Majapahit, but some figures are not all Lebong found this Bikau rise from Majapahit. Of the journey is a process Bikau messenger from among Buddhist clergyman to develop greatness influence of the Majapahit Kingdom, with a more elegant and with a more discerning and concerned with social awareness and uphold the noble values of the local culture.
Through this strategy the Minister of the Kingdom of delegates should no longer attempt to spread the culture and the language Java. Therefore Buddhist cleric class has a quiet action and suave, easily acceptable and the Rejang. It is evident that the four Biku was not seize property or have an intention to apply tribute and taxes to the king of Majapahit, but they only introduce Majapahit kingdom with the king's famous youth named Adityawarman. When they reached the fourth Sekalawi Renah Biku because wise and prudent, powerful, and loving, and merciful, then the four of them shortly thereafter elected by the four societies (Petulai) with the full consent of the people as their leader.
Throughout Biku Jiwo replaces Ajai Bitang
Bembo Biku replaces Ajai Spot
Biku Bejenggo replaces Ajai Begelan Mato
Biku Bermano replaces Ajai Malang
Having led by four Biku, Renah Sekalawi developed into a prosperous area and began earning his farm was started farming, gardening and farming. So at the moment it became clear that their culture and famous for writing the alphabet itself with Ka-Ga-Nga (still sustainable and claims to be the original writing Bengkulu).
After four Biku elected to lead groups of people got a challenge in the form of catastrophic pandemic diseases that attack people. The disaster occurred about the end of the XIII century, the plague that claimed the lives many people regardless of age and gender. According to forecasts by the local astrologer who caused the accident was the arrival of a white monkey named Benuang Way and rested upon a large tree in the forest.
To find a solution to the disaster, it was the fourth Biku bersepakatlah to look for big trees and cut them down with a hope soon after the cut may terminate outbreaks. After dividing each task they scattered to all corners of the forest and eventually entourage Biku Bermano up and found a huge tree they are looking for, they then immediately to cut down a large tree, but their efforts did not succeed because of the cut trees felled by the ax, the tree The increasingly large, the same incident occurred, after a group of Biku Throughout Jiwo up in the same place and try to cut down the great tree, followed by a group of Biku Bejenggo but the tree was not too collapsed. At last it appears the group is Biku Bembo and told them that they have experienced strange happenings in cutting down a large tree would not fall after the tree was cut down and even great bertamah.
"History when he met party leaders met Biku Bembo third party in the discovery of a large tree on which there is a white monkey named Benuang Way is terlontarlah words in Rejang language: pah pro Kumu telebong meaning here would be his saudar. Since then Renah Sekalawi exchange name to Lebong ".
Having recounted the incident that happened to the group Biku Bembo, they consulted to solve problems that occur and agreed to ask for directions to the Hiang (The Almighty) in order to figure out how to cut down a large tree so that it can be cut down. The fourth way in which it is to betarak Biku (ascetic), after they got the hint betarak done to cut down the tree if the underlying raised / supported by seven young girls / teenagers.
After that, they rush to prepare everything clues obtained by the Hiyang including how they find a way so that the seven girls from becoming victims or crushed to death by a large tree that will be torn down. Next they dug a trench to rescue the seven girls raising it. Once the job is making trenches and seven girls ready to raise trees to be torn down, then start the big tree was cut down and the tree actually fell on top of the girl's seventh-raiser. Trenches are made right on the premises rebahnya large tree that has been cut into seven girls have been saved from death and protected in the trenches made.
"The events narrated in the beginning of the provision made for petulai-petulai name them according to the work of the leader of each party in an attempt to cut down a large tree where white monkey dwelling place Benuang Way".
Throughout Jiwo Biku Petulai named Tubeui or Tubai, Rejang language origin of the word "berubeui-ubeui" meaning flock.
Petulai Biku Bermano Bermani named, the origin of language Rejang word "sweet burr" which means fermented sweet.
Petulai Biku jurukalang named Bembo, Rejang language of origin of the word "loop" which means girder.
Petulai Biku Bejenggo Selupuei named Rejang language origin of the word "berupeui-uoeui" meaning piles
So since that time Renah Sekalawi named Lebong and create the Rejang Four petulai essence and origin of the Rejang tribes.The agreement in the wake of the procession After logging Benuang Way is all of the people under the leadership of Bikau Throughout Jiwo where they were united under Tubey unity and centered Pelabai. Along with the return Bikau Jiwo to Majapahit or there is an opinion to the Majapahit Malay berfusat in Fence Ruyung, Bikau leadership is then replaced by Rajo Rajo Mudo Mengat or Mount Gedang whose arrival is expected to be around the 15th century.
Only after this Mengat Rajo leadership succeeded by his son named Ki Karang Nio who wears the title of Sultan Abdullah due to the increase in population and the need for the invasion of the region, the scattered children of this community and form new communities on a great deal done in Lebong then Petulai Tubey This solved a tribe Marga IX based in Kutai Belau Saten, Marga tribe at Muara Aman VIII and Merigi for fractional Petulai Tubey Lebong Outside the region.
Petulai Selupu not broken and remains intact even though its members were scattered everywhere. According to the history that replaces Ajai Bikau Pejenggo is located in Batu Malang in Kesambe width which is the Rejang, while the Village Administrative Top Climbing into indigenous territories include Selupu Lebong a rural area bordering the Rejang custom Coastal and Countryside Comes Love is in the region Marga Spare IX physically bordering the Rejang Bintunan Coastal Peoples.
Institutional System Communal / Indigenous
From the above-written resume can be seen that the origin of the Rejang Lebong tribe and came from four Petulai the Jurukalang, Bermani, Selupu and Tubey. From the article Dr. De Redjang Hazairin in his writings that quote from Muhammad Husayn Petulai also called as the Mego.
It is also strengthened by the writings of English people ever in Bengkulu Marsden and Raffles as well as the Dutch Ress and Swaab mention the word of Mego.
Mego is Petulai or familial unity arising from unilateral system with a patrilineal lineage system and exogamy marriage, even if they are scattered everywhere. The system is a requirement mutlah exogamy timbulya Petulai / clan while the patrilineal kinship system greatly affects the social system and ultimately affect the shape of the unity and power in society.
In ancient times people Bikau be set on the basis of the legal system that is made based on the principle of consensus / consensus, this situation gave birth to the unity of indigenous people called Kutai Kutai Ketuai headed. Kutai's rise from Kuta Hindu language and words that Hamlet difinisikan as a stand-alone, so that the sense of unity Kutai is the single customary law geneologis the government of an independent and family-oriented.
In the Colonial Period and the system's institutional and governance by indigenous Dutch Assistant Resident J. Walland (1861-1865) adopted the system of local governance in the region of Palembang Kutai or Petulai citing this as the clan headed by Pesirah. With each passing Kutai government system is replaced with the name Hamlet as a whole is teroterial indigenous people under the authority of a clan chief who holds Pesirah. (Team AMARTA: Salim Senawar, Erwin S Basrin, Madian Sapani, Henderi S Basrin, Sugianto Bahanan, Hadiyanto Kamal, Riza Omami, Bambang Yuroto).
Judul Penelitian : Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Yang Dimanfaatkan Sebagai
Peneliti : OKI MANTRA
Hari/tanggal :.................................2012
Identitas Responden
1. Nama :.......................................................
2. Jenis Kelamin :...............................................(L/P)
3. Umur :............................................Tahun
4. Pekerjaan :........................................................
5. Pendidikan terakhir :........................................................
6. Status masyarakat :
a. Pendatang b. Penduduk asli
7. Status perkawinan : a. Kawin b. Belum kawin c. Janda/duda
8. Jumlah Anggota keluarga :.................Orang
Istri :................. Anak laki-laki :...................
Anak perempuan :................. Lainya :...................
9. Kepemilikan lahan :
a. Status lahan :
a. Milik b. Sewa c. Buruh harian d. Lainya
Luas lahan :...............................Ha
10. Llama tinggal di desa :.............................Tahun
B. Daftar Pertanyaan
1. Apabila anda sakit, apakah tindakan awal yang
anda lakukan?
a. pergi kedukun (ahli pengobatan
b. pergi kepuskesmas (lembaga medis
c. melakukan pengobatan sendiri bila
penyakit sudah diketahui
2. Jika anda mengobati sendiri penyakit yang
diderita, obat apakah yang anda gunakan?
a. obat dari pabrik
b. obat dari tumbuhan (obat tradisional)
c. lainya, sebutkan
alasannya mengunakan obat
3. Seberapa
sering anda mengunakan tumbuhan untuk mengobati penyakit?
a. sering b.
Jarang c. Tidak
4. Darimana
anda mengetahui khasiat tumbuhan sebagai obat?
a. dari dukun c. warisan turun-temurun
b. penemuan sendiri d. lainnya, sebutkan......................
5. Jika
anda berobat pada dukun, siapakah yang menyediakan bahan-bahan untuk ramuan
obat tersebut?
a. mencari sendiri b. diberi oleh dukun c.lainnya, sebutkan............................
6. jika
anda menyiapkan langsung, dimana anda mendapatkanya?
a. hutan b.
pekarangan rumah c.kebun d. Lainya, sebutkan.....................
7. Apakah
anda menanam tumbuhan obat yang diperoleh dari hutan dipekarangan rumah?
a. ya b.
8. Apakah
yang dilakukan pada tumbuhan tersebut sebelum digunakan sebagai obat ?
a. dikeringkan dahulu c. Digunakan langsung
b. dibuat rabuan (jamu) d. lainnya, sebutkan……………………
9.berapa lama waktu penyembuhan penyakit dengan
obat tradisional(tumbuhan)?
a. < 1 minggu c. 2-3 minggu
b. 1-2 minggu d. Lebih dari 3 minggu
Sebutkan jenis-jenis tumbuhan obat yang pernah anda gunakan, asal, bagian yang
digunakan serta cara pengunaanya?
Nama tumbuhan/
jenis tumbuhan
Bagian yang digunakan
Cara pengunaan
Tips Membuat Password Anti Hacker dan Cracker
Ada yg bilang situs yg pake security gambar gembok dibawah kanan + kunci password yang kuat dan sulit dibobol.
Jaman sekarang yang namanya hacker atau cracker semakin kreatif, dengan berbagai cara mereka berusaha menembus email Anda, facebook, rekening online, web site, bahkan blog.Anda tidak mau kan, kalau suatu saat profile Anda di facebook diubah oleh orang? Atau web site Anda tiba-tiba di ganti tampilannya oleh hacker / cracker / deface web?
Salah satu cara hacker menembus account kita adalah dengan cara menebak password. Hacker menggunakan script yang dapat memasukkan puluhan password tiap detik untuk mencoba masuk ke dalam account kita.
Cara hacker menebak dan membobol password kita antara lain dengan:
1. Brute force attack, yaitu dengan mencoba semua kombinasi, mulai dari aaaa sampai zzzz, sampai beberapa karakter.
2. Dictionary attack, yaitu dengan menebak menggunakan kata-kata dalam kamus, dan dikombinasikan dengan angka-angka atau karakter.
3. Personal information attack, dengan cara memasukkan data-data pribadi seperti nomor telepon, tanggal lahir, nama pacar, kode pos, dan sebagainya.
Password yang sangat lemah akan sangat mudah dibobol hacker dengan cara ini. Contoh password yang sangat lemah misalnya:
* 123456, qwerty, asdf, ini karena mudah sekali orang mengetik kombinasi ini di keyboard.
* password, mypassword, dan lain-lain yang menggunakan kata-kata dalam kamus (semua bahasa).
* tanggal lahir, nama pacar, dan lainnya yang merupakan data diri orang tersebut.
Password yang lemah, bisa dibobol dalam waktu yang lebih cepat, misalnya:
* menggunakan semua huruf kecil.
* menggunakan kombinasi kata dan angka, misalnya buku10, teroris80.
* mengganti huruf dengan karakter, misalnya c1nt@
Bagaimana password yang kuat dan sulit ditembus hacker?
1. Merupakan kombinasi dari huruf besar, huruf kecil, nomor, dan karakter.
2. Panjang lebih dari 10 karakter.
3. Tidak menyertakan kata-kata dalam kamus.
Password yang kuat harus mudah diingat oleh pemiliknya.
Contoh password yang kuat: 1mAuRp100rb
Cara mengingatnya:
* 1 = kata “saya” diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris (I).
* mAu = mau
* Rp = uang
* 100rb = 100 ribu
Contoh password kuat yang lain: ninG->0+1Gul
Cara mengingatnya:
* ninG = misalnya nama orang sepesial buat Anda: Naning
* -> = panah identik dengan adalah
* 0+ = lambang cewek
* 1 =berarti nomor satu atau paling
* Gul = gula itu manis
Beberapa tips membuat Password Anti Hacker:
1. Jangan menggunakan password yang sama untuk berbagai macam layanan, misalnya password email Anda sama dengan password facebook. Ini berarti:
* seseorang yang dapat menjebol password facebook Anda, bisa juga menjebol password email Anda. Sementara di mata hacker menjebol password facebook lebih mudah daripada menjebol email Yahoo.
* admin atau “orang dalam” facebook tahu password Anda, dia juga bisa memasukkan password tersebut ke email Anda.
2. Jangan mengklik link di email yang menyatakan Anda harus memverifikasi password Anda. Email ini dikirim oleh hacker.
3. Jangan memasukkan password disitus selain yang memberikan layanan. Misalnya jangan memasukkan password yahoo di situs facebook untuk alasan apapun (misalnya import address book).
4. Sebelum login ke email atau yang lain, pastikan URL di browser Anda benar. Misalnya bukan atau atau buka atau yang lain.
5. Untuk rekening online seperti e-gold, klik BCA, paypal, sebaiknya Anda tidak mengetik password Anda lewat keyboard (karena hacker bisa membaca keyboard Anda dengan program keylogger). Gunakan On Screen Keyboard, Charakter Map, atau copy paste dari huruf acak.
Okey begitulah tips-tips agar password kita sulit dibobol hacker. Semoga dengan tips ini account kita aman dan terhindar dari kebobolan.
Jaman sekarang yang namanya hacker atau cracker semakin kreatif, dengan berbagai cara mereka berusaha menembus email Anda, facebook, rekening online, web site, bahkan blog.Anda tidak mau kan, kalau suatu saat profile Anda di facebook diubah oleh orang? Atau web site Anda tiba-tiba di ganti tampilannya oleh hacker / cracker / deface web?
Salah satu cara hacker menembus account kita adalah dengan cara menebak password. Hacker menggunakan script yang dapat memasukkan puluhan password tiap detik untuk mencoba masuk ke dalam account kita.
Cara hacker menebak dan membobol password kita antara lain dengan:
1. Brute force attack, yaitu dengan mencoba semua kombinasi, mulai dari aaaa sampai zzzz, sampai beberapa karakter.
2. Dictionary attack, yaitu dengan menebak menggunakan kata-kata dalam kamus, dan dikombinasikan dengan angka-angka atau karakter.
3. Personal information attack, dengan cara memasukkan data-data pribadi seperti nomor telepon, tanggal lahir, nama pacar, kode pos, dan sebagainya.
Password yang sangat lemah akan sangat mudah dibobol hacker dengan cara ini. Contoh password yang sangat lemah misalnya:
* 123456, qwerty, asdf, ini karena mudah sekali orang mengetik kombinasi ini di keyboard.
* password, mypassword, dan lain-lain yang menggunakan kata-kata dalam kamus (semua bahasa).
* tanggal lahir, nama pacar, dan lainnya yang merupakan data diri orang tersebut.
Password yang lemah, bisa dibobol dalam waktu yang lebih cepat, misalnya:
* menggunakan semua huruf kecil.
* menggunakan kombinasi kata dan angka, misalnya buku10, teroris80.
* mengganti huruf dengan karakter, misalnya c1nt@
Bagaimana password yang kuat dan sulit ditembus hacker?
1. Merupakan kombinasi dari huruf besar, huruf kecil, nomor, dan karakter.
2. Panjang lebih dari 10 karakter.
3. Tidak menyertakan kata-kata dalam kamus.
Password yang kuat harus mudah diingat oleh pemiliknya.
Contoh password yang kuat: 1mAuRp100rb
Cara mengingatnya:
* 1 = kata “saya” diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris (I).
* mAu = mau
* Rp = uang
* 100rb = 100 ribu
Contoh password kuat yang lain: ninG->0+1Gul
Cara mengingatnya:
* ninG = misalnya nama orang sepesial buat Anda: Naning
* -> = panah identik dengan adalah
* 0+ = lambang cewek
* 1 =berarti nomor satu atau paling
* Gul = gula itu manis
Beberapa tips membuat Password Anti Hacker:
1. Jangan menggunakan password yang sama untuk berbagai macam layanan, misalnya password email Anda sama dengan password facebook. Ini berarti:
* seseorang yang dapat menjebol password facebook Anda, bisa juga menjebol password email Anda. Sementara di mata hacker menjebol password facebook lebih mudah daripada menjebol email Yahoo.
* admin atau “orang dalam” facebook tahu password Anda, dia juga bisa memasukkan password tersebut ke email Anda.
2. Jangan mengklik link di email yang menyatakan Anda harus memverifikasi password Anda. Email ini dikirim oleh hacker.
3. Jangan memasukkan password disitus selain yang memberikan layanan. Misalnya jangan memasukkan password yahoo di situs facebook untuk alasan apapun (misalnya import address book).
4. Sebelum login ke email atau yang lain, pastikan URL di browser Anda benar. Misalnya bukan atau atau buka atau yang lain.
5. Untuk rekening online seperti e-gold, klik BCA, paypal, sebaiknya Anda tidak mengetik password Anda lewat keyboard (karena hacker bisa membaca keyboard Anda dengan program keylogger). Gunakan On Screen Keyboard, Charakter Map, atau copy paste dari huruf acak.
Okey begitulah tips-tips agar password kita sulit dibobol hacker. Semoga dengan tips ini account kita aman dan terhindar dari kebobolan.
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